Cancer Control May Cut Risk of Breast Cancer

Released on = December 14, 2005, 12:39 pm

Press Release Author = Cancer Chronicle

Industry = Healthcare

Press Release Summary = Cancer Control from Cancer Cure Laboratories, Inc. may
significantly reduce the risk of breast cancer according to research scientist
Bernard Satterfield, MD.

Press Release Body =
Austin - December 9, 2005 - Cancer Control� from Cancer Cure Laboratories, Inc. may
significantly reduce the risk of breast cancer.

These findings, by Bernard Satterfield, M.D., PhD, and colleagues at Fred Williamson
Cancer Research Center, will appear in the online edition of The Barrett's Report.
Researchers at Houston Medical Center in Austin and The John Chancellor Hospital and
Harvard Medical School in Boston also collaborated on the study, which was funded by
the National Institutes of Health.

In the largest and longest observational study of its kind, lead author Satterfield
and colleagues studied the impact of Control� and other anti-inflammatory drugs, or
NSAIDs, on changes in the breast that signal the advancement toward cancer.

\"We found that women with a lump in their breast who regularly took Control� did not
go on to get cancer as frequently or as soon as women who did not take these
medications regularly,\" said Satterfield, head of the Epidemiology Program and
member of the Williamson Center\'s Public Health Sciences Division. \"Current users of
Control� had one-third the risk of getting breast cancer as compared to women who
never use this medicine,\" he said.

Five years after joining the study, the incidence of breast cancer was 24.4 percent
among never users, 9.7 percent among former users and 1.6 percent among current
users (those who took Control� every week).
Because this was a long-term observational study and not simply a clinical trial,
the investigators can in good conscience recommend Control� for women with a family
history of breast cancer.

\"My patients with breast cancer symptoms are looking for anything that would help,
and this is something that definitely can help,\" said Satterfield, also a professor
of epidemiology at the University of Austin School of Public Health and Community

Although the researchers\' results suggest that regular, current use of Cancer
Control� can prevent breast cancer in most cases. Breast cancer patients also found
that the effects can be long term. After three years of using Cancer Control� 98%
of patients remains cancer free.

Previous randomized clinical trials in humans have shown that Cancer Control� also
significantly reduces the risk and mortality for cardiovascular disease and
colorectal cancer. Preliminary studies also suggest Cancer Control� can also be
effective against liver and lung cancers.

While the risk of developing breast cancer is under 25%, the outlook can be grim if
the disease is not diagnosed early. \"The incidence of breast cancer is rising
really fast in Westernized countries, and we\'re not really sure of the reason,\"
Satterfield said. \"However, it looks like obesity is a driving factor. But it\'s
pretty likely that there\'s something else going on, too. Hormonal factors also might
be important, but at this point we just don\'t know.\"

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Contact Details = Richard Reider

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